We go on slowly but surely in our tasks. Are coming soon :
Since 30 years, we managed the whole evolution of the B.I.G association according to habits and internal ways to work. The association is becoming so big (lol) that we have to open us as a non-profit making international association (AISBL). We worked longly on the statutes. They are now fit and well. We are requesting the officialization of those statutes and we'll publish them in our website. Every member wil be able to read and know them. Those statutes are a precise and precious summary of our dear B.I.G challenge.
We decided in january to focus on the website with our money because it's the main way to communicate between us. We signed a Service Level Approvement (SLA) with the webmaster Twins-IT and we are on the way to sign something near with a professional designer. The design of our challenge will soon be applied in all our materials, in collaboration with our material managers and with the enlarged Committee. This great improvement will request some new money, not so much, but new. The financial founds ask small changes in our contributions. We'll give you the informations about those small changes soon.
The national challenges are moving a lot. The hungarian Natacha is ready and ok since a long time now. It is just waiting that the new website (and consequently the new design) would be ready to work. Great event : the french Natacha is under a great evolution and will be soon ready too, just like the german one, not so far from the end. Czech, Romanian and Colombian Natachas were in a good way, but no news about them since a few months. Other countries showed their interest (Bel, Pol, ...). We are sure that when the hungarian one will be online, the other ones will follow quickly.
You know that the central committee (since now called Executive committee) will go from 3 persons (president, secretary,treasurer) to 6 persons . We listed all our previous tasks and dipatched them into 6 kinds of jobs. We'll have now 6 roles (president, secretary, treasurer, public relation, material supervisor, parallel challenges supervisor). One of them will be designed as vie-president. The precise tasks will be shown online very soon and we'll quest candidates volunteers for those three new main roles, who'll have a lot of power in our association. If you're interested in, be careful and ready to come with us !
The other decisions taken in january are always on debates and we aren't sure to put them online with final and concrete improvements before the end of the year, such like zone 12 new rules, the new 60 eastern bigs, dispatching between eurobig and superbig to become a finsiher of the superlist,... We're not sure but we try.
B.I.G is alive