854 - VAN LEEUWEN Erik

Location:   De Heen
Date of birth: 02-10-1966
Gender: M
Member since: 2008
Big level: BIG01
Claims ever: 43
Claims this year: 0
Last claim: Col de la Croix Morand
Number of countries: 9
Number of continents: 1
Last online: 27-09-2018 08:05:07


hF F
Superlist 1000 BIGs 43 -457 -957

Natacha-NL 7 -18 -43
Natacha-LU 1 -24 -49
Natacha-BE 6 -44 -94
Natacha-PT 2 -123 -248
Natacha-CH 1 -124 -249
Natacha-DE 1 -187 -374
Natacha-FR 17 -383 -783
Natacha-IT 6 -394 -794

TGV 16 -342 -494