2905 - DE JAEGER Pol

Location:   Lisse
Date of birth: 29-10-1978
Gender: M
Member since: 2010
Big level: BIG02
Claims ever: 61
Claims this year: 0
Last claim: Col de Menté
Number of countries: 6
Number of continents: 1
Last online: 29-10-2014 06:09:49


hF F
Superlist 1000 BIGs 61 -439 -939

Natacha-NL 10 -15 -40
Natacha-LU 3 -22 -47
Natacha-BE 10 -40 -90
Natacha-FR 23 -377 -777
Natacha-IT 8 -392 -792
Natacha-ES 7 -393 -793

TGV 31 -327 -479