2 new features exist in our homepage. Promotions' areas and possibilities to edit texts and invitations to the other members to come to climb with you in a region in a precise period. The first photos gave their place to promotions for our meetings, our clothes and all the things that must stay a little longer than a news in this homepage. In the social feed below the photos, you have 2 new possibilities : to edit any text that you want linked to our activity and a very requested one : to invite other persons in a zone and precision location between a startdate and an enddate because you'll climb in this region in this period. You must fill the boxes with the zone visited (pre-list existing), the precise region that you'll visit (text) and the startdate and enddate (calendars shown). Up to you to play with that new feature !
Another thing, it's now impossible to claim if you are over 164 bigs without contributing, as requested by the last votes in the GA.