GOBERT Daniel - 17-09-2022:
The S-side has been disable for claiming because the road moved to a "4 bands way" for cars (trafic+speed). The B327 seems like that (see in the middle of the video with 4 bands on the road) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyvUgolHloM
Write if you suggest some modification or a new side the URL of a GPX track
WEIJTMANS Hans - 14-09-2022:
Due to big roadworks between Bernn Kastel and Longkamp I had to do the route from Morbach (S). This was a Bundesstrasse, a lot of heavy traffic which drives 100 km per houre. I would suggest to cut this option. It is not nice and very dangerous. Still there are 2 good alternatives.
Write if you suggest some modification or a new side the URL of a GPX track