You perhaps already heard about it or saw it in our organization ! After 10 years, that means 2 mandates of 5 years, of fabulous, busy, daily and constructive participation in the central committee of the BIG-challenge, Helmuth decided to become now back a simple member, outside the c6 committee. It's a pity because he was so useful, but we must understand his decision like every decision taken by someone who works free for an association and we have just to thank him. Read the improvements he brought by clicking on "more" and don't hesitate to thank him for all those things due to him. Thank you so much, mister Helmuth !
- was the main part of the opening of the previous website, V2 version, in company of Wouter, our webmaster.
- was daily talking about B.I.G., suggesting new ideas, agreeding those which don't work or denied and happy to work on new ones agreeded
- was the general manager of all the newsletters edited during so many years
- took part in the management before and on the field of dutch meetings and on official meetings in Germany, England and Corsica.
- followed continuously the Mantis section of the website's improvements with his techonological knowledges
- used his numerous capacities to speak many languages (dutch, english, german, swedish,...) to meet members and talk with members living everywhere.
- succeeded in giving through the crowdfunding a solid financial basis for the future of the bigcycling world
- opened the window of the new design and battled to harmonize all our designs for the future
- finalized the writing of the B.I.G.'s statutes for the AISBL B.I.G.
- was every time the right arm of the president and took his place when the president was in holidays
and many, many other things,...
He decided to be still an help for B.I.G. now and in the coming months, but outside the central committee, with a kind of joker statute when a member required his help because he knows so many things about the B.I.G. history.
To thank him, the c6 committee decided
- to name him as an honoured member for life
- to give him the free contribution highest class for life
- to offer him, as a present, a book of "the history of cycloclimbing"
- to offer him as a present, when they'll be ready, a full pack of all the B.I.G. clothes with the coming new design
And to thank him finally, we'll never forget what he did for us...
Don't hesitate to send him a message by the internal messages of the website.