
SECTION 1 - Rules of the Challenge BIG


A1. General rules for the Superlist of the 1000 BIGs

The 1,000 summits are presented with 935 fixed tops in Geozone 0 (Europe) and 65 other tops

List of 935

The 935 tops in Zone 0 (Europe) are distributed in the following way

  • Zone 0-01: Nordic countries 50

  • Zone 0-02: British Islands (Ireland and United Kingdom) 50

  • Zone 0-03: Benelux 50

  • Zone 0-04: Germany 50

  • Zone 0-05: continental France & Corsica 175

  • Zone 0-06: Spain, Canary Islands & Portugal, Madeira, Azores & Andorra  150

  • Zone 0-07: Switzerland & Liechtenstein 75

  • Zone 0-08: Austria 75

  • Zone 0-09: continental Italy, Sardinia, Sicily & San Marino 150

  • Zone 0-10: East and South-East 110

A2. Rules for claiming ascents there

A2.1. If a member has reached on a day in his life, one top corresponding in the list to a number among the 1,000 of the superlist, that it reached it on a bicycle (not an electric one) , by climbing entirely one side described in the BIG website to this top, then he can claim, by honour, the success of achieving the ascent corresponding to this number.

A2.2. When a member claims the success of a number, this is for all his life. He claims the number tied to the summit at the time it was ascended. If after that, the name of the summit is amended to another summit, then the member will still preserve the success of climbing this number. He/She must climb through a side shown in the website. he can climb through another side but, in this case, must prove that this side has more europoints than the lowest side edited.

A2.3. The B.I.G. Association reserves itself the right to request the date back to the successes in the case of possible claim abuse if it is evident that the claimant appears too confident and B.I.G. will refuse the inscription in this extreme case.

A2.4.The BIG gives motivation to its members through steps. If the score is less than 164 bigs, it's gratis. Over, the member has to pay the minimum cheap contribution to increase his/her score.

The member will become possessor of the ranks BIG01 to BIG20, alongside his life as a cyclo-climber, according to the following progression:
BIG01>= 30; BIG 02>= 60; BIG03>= 90; BIG04>= 120; BIG05>= 164, BIG06>= 240; BIG07>= 300; BIG08>= 360; BIG09>= 430; BIG10>= 500, BIG 11>= 550; BIG12>=600; BIG13>= 650; BIG14>= 700; BIG 15>= 750, BIG16>= 800; BIG17>= 850; BIG18>= 900; BIG19>= 950; BIG20>= 1.000

A2.5. The BIG still increases the motivation of its members through levels giving badges that will appear on the side of his name in his personal page.

                     With the score of 164

The member becomes "BIGGER" when he has attained 164 different numbers (in memory of Raymond Mayeur, deceased at this score).

                     With the score of 500

The member becomes 'BIG half-finisher » when he reaches the score of 500 different numbers.

More, he'll become "Winner of the BAG" when its summits are spread over at least twenty different countries and three different continents outside Europe (i.e. North-America; South-America, Africa, Asia and Oceania).

                      With the score of 1000

The member becomes "Eurobig-Finisher" when he reached the score of 1000 different numbers.

More, he'll become « Superbig-Finisher », supreme level, if in addition, he conquered or replaced all the 65 numbers in zone + by summits located out of Europe, according to the special rules linked to this zone + explained below.


List of 65

The zone + countains 65 tops and belongs to special rules well defined with 2 possibilities
Possibility 1 - Superbig : free (zones 1 to 6) 65
Possibility 2 - Eurobig : fixed (Eastern Europe + Eurasia) 65

  • a) Inside the zones 0-01 to 0-10, the tops are fixed and named. Inside the zone +,

    • they are either fixed and named (eurolist),

    • or free but with data or quality obligations (superlist)

  • b) The areas covered by the zones are clearly defined by the countries'borders. Official maps are eidted, showing clearly the limts of the zones in Europe and of the other continents in the world.

  • c) The faraway territories, included in european countries politically, but included in those maps in other continents, are definitely included, for the BIG, in the zones out of Europe, called zone 1 to 6.



To reach the Eurobig, the member must simply claim the 65 fixed and named numbers of this zone, included in the zones +1 to +6 available in the same menu "superlist 1000".

* Among those 65 climbs, we find

15 in zone +1 (5 in Ukraine, 2 in Russia, 2 in Georgia, 3 in Armenia, 3 in Azerbaidjan)

10 in zone +2 (5 in Poland, 1 in Estonia, 1 in Latvia, 1 in Lithuania, 2 in Croatia)

10 in zone +3 (6 in Slovakia, 4 in Hungary)

10 in zone +4 (6 in Czech Republic, 4 in Slovenia)

10 in zone +5 (6 in Romania, 2 in Bulgaria, 2 in Albania)

10 in zone +6 (3 in Serbia, 2 in Kosovo, 2 in Malta, 3 in Northern-Cyprus)



Those 65 summits are called in zone +, Superbig section, out of Europe and will never be determinated by the Committee but will be freely choosen by the member.

Those 65 climbs must be located

15 in zone 1 (Eurasia) (same numbers as zone +1 for Eurobig = 831-835 + 866-875)

10 in zone 2 (North-America) (same numbers as zone +2 for Eurobig = 951-960)

10 in zone 3 (Asia) (same numbers as zone +3 for Eurobig = 961-970)

10 in zone 4 (Africa) (same numbers as zone +4 for Eurobig = 971-980)

10 in zone 5 (South-America) (same numbers as zone +5 for Eurobig = 981-990)

10 in zone 6 (Oceania) (same numbers as zone +6 for Eurobig = 991-1000)

( see map World Zones)

How to choose well and how to claim ?

The member must follow the following rules to claim in this zone

1) Free choice.
2) Complete the description sheet for each suggestion of climb
3) Submit the list we intend to make to the manager for those zones out of Europe (1 to 6). The latter gives the green light
If you do not submit your ascent beforehand, you must accept that the manager (guarantor of the
spirit) is the sole judge of its validity. He is sovereign
4) 5000 m Difference of Level (DOL) in total (7500m for the 15 in zone G)
5) Maximum 5 climbs below 500 m DOL
5.1. For each ascent whose DOL is between 150m and 500 m elevation
Indicate interest
Sports O Media O Tourist O Natural Park O other O
5.2 For ascents with a DOL of less than 150 m, have an average of 10% over 1 km
Indicate interest
Sports O Media O Tourist O Natural Park O other O
6) respect the spirit:
6.1 On a ridge only one peak will be counted
6.2 On an climb with up and down only one top will be counted
6.3 An ascent in the downhill back of a claimed top will not be counted
6.4 No common point, common summit, or common section with a previous claim will be allowed
7) Let us remain courteous, polite ... let us be gentlemen ... do not make agressive personal remarks,
under penalty of exclusion

* Exceptions are allowed to regularize BIGs claimed in Turkey and removed from challenge in 1997. They have a sign * before their names.Exceptions are allowed for climbs claimed before 2009 and following former regulations. They have a sign ** before their names. Other exceptions are also allowed for claims before 2016, to update the regularisation what has been agreeded before the birth of the eurobig challenge. Those names will have a sign *** before their names.

* To recall the obligation to get minimum 5000m D.O.L for a full continent, the claims with less than 500m D.O.L, declared received, will be followed by a sign *.

* The zone 1 is an exception with own rules. A climb there is an eurobig if it is in the fixed list and a superbig if it is out this fixed list (free with zone+ rules). This special case is used due to the political unstability of the region, to give rights for members trying to reach a given score to keep climbs available in some other countries inside this zone G if one country is in war for example.

Remark : if an eurobig-finisher wants to upgrade his level to superbig-finisher, he has to replace the numbers of this zone, with the same rules. A mix between the 65 fixed names in Europe and some other ones out of Europe following the same restrictions, has our agreement to reach the "eurobig", but it must use the good continents according to the good numbers.



Remark : when a member claims a top that is located in several challenges, this claim automatically increases his/her score with +1 in all the considered challenges


2.1. NATACHAS (National Challenges)


a) The BIG member is included in the classement of this challenge since the first claim in this national challenge's list.

b) The B.I.G challenge shows the national lists and the general classements of those national challenges in its website

c) When a member reaches half the maximum score of the country, he becomes Natacha-half-finisher of the Natacha of this country and wins the badge linked to this step.

d) When he reached the total score, he becomes Natacha-finisher of the Natacha of this country and wins the badge linked to this maximum step.


2.2. – TGV

Participation's rules


The members get a score and a PARx like in Golf Game (means the amount of climbs still to climb)

PAR0 : King of Mountain

PAR0 - 50 : Leaders

PAR0 - 100 : Chasers

50% PAR0 : Peloton

100 : Gruppetto


2.3. – IRONBIG

An Ironbig can be tried on any top in one of our lists (that means that the member can claim an ironbig of tops available in BIG OR NATACHAs or TGV).

Participation's rules

1. Success

To have success, a member must claim 25 times one number inside the whole year, but

a. if the difference of level is less than 500m, to claim it 25 times inside only 1 month

b. if the difference of level is less than 200m, to claim it 25 times inside only 1 day

2. Procedure

The member prevents by email the committee of the challenge that he'll try a precise number in the list

Afterwards, he claims by the same way the dates of his success, little by little or in one time

3. Consequences

After success in his attempt, he'll become the godfather of this BIG and his name will be written in the descriptions'pages of this climb forever as the godfather for life of this BIG.


Whe a member claims 10 different ironbigs, he becomes Ironbigger (I)

When a member claims 25 idifferent ronbigs, he becomes Super Ironbig (sI)

When a member claims 50 idifferent ronbigs, he becomes Extra Ironbig (xI)

When a member claims 75 idifferent ronbigs, he becomes Eminent Ironbig (MI)

When a member claims 100 idifferent ronbigs, he becomesUltra Ironbig (UI)


SECTION 3 - Rules for the building of our lists


The non-profit-making and international objectivess of B.I.G are the following:
B.I.G. is an open, international community that is there to facilitate and promote cyclo climbing. It does so by means of the main challenge BIG and a number of so called parallel Challenges (a.o. National Challenges). Each challenge has its own closed list which contains the summits that are to be reached by bike. The closed list of the main challenge, B.I.G, contains 1,000 numbers that correspond to 1,000 summits and this list is also reffered to as the Superlist. Only summits in the Superlist are allowed to be referred to as BIGs.

All summits and sides in the lists are selected through 5 principles and 2 rules.

1,The ascents must be dispatched in the best possible way over different mountainous regions.
2,Some ascents must help to discover the natural and cultural tourism.
3,Some asents must be challenging ascents but the overall level of difficulty of the ascents must be average.
4,Some ascents must help to discover the main ascents included in the cycling history.
5,The ascents must be mainly surfaced roads, giving some place to gravel roads but only when these offer real additional value.

These 5 principles will stimulate members to travel and in this way learn more about other countries, cultures and people.

Rules of availability

Available for all the climbs inside all our challenges, even if the climbs aren't in the same challenge.

1. Definition of a climb : ascent leading from a bottom to a top, without section inside including more than 33,33 % negative difference of level OR 33.33% length of downhill, compared to the total amount of D+ (AltTop - AltFt) and total length.

2. Rule of the "2in1"

a) no climb can be a part of a climb (within our definition) leading to another existing summit. This climb must be included inside the sides leading to this other summit.

b) If 2 summits have sides with a similar section, the main one (according to our principles) keep this section and the other one only keeps its own proper final section.

For the Natachas