There are 3 improvements in the website :
1) In your personal page "profile"
* you had your simple scores in all the challenges without rankings.
* Now, there are 2 columns on the right giving you the amount of climbs still to claim to reach the next steps with badges.
* They are ranked from the nearest step to reach until the most far one.
* If you have already reached the step , a green finger congratulates you
* It's already finished for the challenges BIG and Natachas but it's still under works for TGV and Ironbig but will soon appear.
2) Deceased riders and finishers.
* There were already special icons below the maps of the climbs
OR that saw a profesional cyclist dying in their slopes
OR that saw bigcycling users finishing their superlist 1000 there.
* Like asked by some members, the design of the icons are in agreement with our website and there are tooltips explaining the event.
3) Cyrillic and greek characters.
* Some tops had very long and finally unreadable names because the country in which they are located is using special characters (cyrillic or greek).
* Instead of writing both with very long titles, we choose to include on the right "switch requests".
* All the titles are in latine characters per default.
* If you clic, for example, on "switch to cyrillic", only the countries using those characters will get a translitteration to cyrillic character.
* It is a good help for the fellow countryman using daily this type of character or for the visitor looking at the road-sign of this country.
* The code is OK, but we are still working to edit the precise good characters because there are a lot of translitterations according to the countries.
* Some already exist. Others will appear very soon.
if you clic on "Swith to Cyrillic", the following text appears
If you want to come back to Latine, clic on "Switch to Latin"