Here is the current ranking of the countries according to the amount of numbers subscribed :
1. The Netherlands 1223 mbrs
2. Belgium 663 mbrs
3. France 426 mbrs
4. Italy 340 mbrs
5. Spain 315 mbrs
6. Germany 175 mbrs
7. Hungary 119 mbrs
8. Czech R. 109 mbrs
9. Poland 92 mbrs
10. Romania 82 mbrs
Follow Ireland 64 mbrs, Switzerland 59 mbrs, England 54 mbrs, Slovakia 45 mbrs, Sweden 43 mbrs,, Luxemburg 31 mbrs, Austria 21 mbrs,...
Of course some country like England has members with many claims and the romanian members have often less than 10 claims, but well our international intentions are always heard and it's an honour for us.