817 - Sella Mandrazzi

Versant Sud - Route interdite à toute circulation y compris piéton à trois kms de Francavilla di Sicilla depuis le 21-05-2024.

South side - Road forbidden to all vehicles, including walkers, 3km from Francavilla de Sicilia since the 21st of may 2024.

BOUVIER Frédéric - 03-06-2024:
Versant Sud - Route interdite à toute circulation y compris piéton à trois kms de Francavilla di Sicilla. 21-05-2024.

CHARBONNIER Robert - 16-03-2018:
Sommet déplacé au col / summit moved to the pass

MANK Rolf - 23-11-2012:
The signs of the top and the building on the pictures of the top is at N37.97562 E15.13796. An alternative for the SE route (SS185) via is from Francavilla over the SP5. Much steeper, before reaching the SS185 it goes a bit downhill.
