* Our 6 priorities in the year 2018 whose approvements will be included in the moral report of 2019 are
1) corrections of the database mistakes (leader : Robert Charbonnier)
All along the 6 months, Robert corrected all the laft notes of the previous years and was busy with all the notes written by our members in the website about our climbs. He opened an xls file remembering all the corrections done. At the end of this year, before the next GA, we'll edit this file for everybody and you'll see how much work was done ! Thank to him !
2) increasing of the amount of contributing members (leaders : Christian Le Corre, Daniel Gobert,Coen Schillemans)
It's a work for the last part of the year, just before the new contributions. We'll edit a news remembering what a contribution gives to the association and what a contriubting member can receive back. We'll also send a mail to all the members in their own language about that.
3) improvement of the website to be more friendly (leader : Helmuth Dekkers)
One day of full work has been busy between Helmuth dekkers and our webmaster Wouter De Ruyck about privacy and social feed in the website. You can see the improvements. Applauses and congrats are possible now, claims, notes and ironbigs are visible and if you don't want to be seen, privacy gives you the right to be hidden.
4) adjustment altitudes/profiles (leader : Jean-Luc Le Tutour)
Jean-Luc follows his way slowly but surely to balance in a good way the altitudes and the profiles with many corrections already done. He works with the help of Robert. An xls file with all the corrections will be also shown at the end of the year before the next GA.
5) better communication and social feeds (leader : Amaury Preillon)
Since Amaury Preillon has been named in the job of communication manager, the Facebook page life increased fantastically and it's now really alive. Don't hesitate to comment and post there, too ! The article in the Fiets magazine and in the Cent cols review added and will add many new members. nearly 400 new ones already in the year 2018.
6) Ordering and selling of the new clothes (leader : Lina Karbauskiene)
The new clothes are finally there now after a long attempt. We are working to fix the good prices, to edit them in the website, because there are many international postal different costs. Before one month, we are sure that the first clothes would have been sent to the first owners of those beautiful new clothes adapted to our new design in the website.