Luigi SPINA a grimpé 500 BIGs et a atteint le niveau 10!
C'est en fait le 12e membre BIG à atteindre le niveau 10 en grimpant 500 BIGs. Mais c'est bien le 1er italien à réaliser cet exploit !
Jetez juste un oeil sur l'impressionnante liste des 500 BIGs de Luigi's claims.
Luigi has cycled these BIGs over a number of years of course but did you know that Luigi holds together with Wim VAN ELS the record amount of BIGs cycled in one year? In 2009 he cycled 172 BIGs!! Almost 1/3rd of the 500 BIGs required to get to the BIG 10 level. And he could have be the sole record holder too. But as a real gentleman he did not want to take advantage of the better circumstances he had at the time. This is what marks Luigi I would say. A nice and friendly man and a real gentleman. A BIG manager also for his partner Cecilia TORELLI. They cycle most BIGs together so Cecilia is not far away from the BIG 10 level either.
Congratulations Luigi, for reaching this amazing level!