TGV-V2001-1 - Alto de Aitana

GOBERT Daniel - 03-05-2021:
Nous devons remarquer que les 7 derniers kilomètres sont une base militaire avec un radar et que le passage d'étrangers au personnel de service est interdit. Toutefois, le site Altimetrias a contacté les imilitaires et suivant une démarche administrative assez simple, il est possible d'avoir le droit d'y grimper. Liste des membres et heure d'ascension à mentionner. Nous devons toutefois conserver en tête l'idée que c'est une aire militaire et que tout écartement de la route pourrait être dangereux."

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GOBERT Daniel - 03-05-2021:
We have to emphasize that the last 7 kilometers are a military base with a radar and that the passage of non-personnel is totally prohibited ...

Therefore, Altimetrias has contacted the military and it is necessary to formalize some permits to access this last section.

The procedures are simpler than we imagined at first, I have to send a fax with the date, approximate time, etc ... and the most important a list of those that will upload with full name and ID, the latter It is what interests us most and those interested would send it to me privately.

Although there is still time, we have to bear in mind that I have to send the fax and that the military in command of the base will be pleased with what we want to do and give me the go-ahead, and this will not be done overnight for another,

And since we get on the bike we are not going to be left alone with the climb to Aitana, "

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