4814 - PADILLA Sergio

Location:   Catalunya
Date of birth: 08-04-1986
Gender: M
Member since: 2013
Big level: BIG02
Claims ever: 75
Claims this year: 0
Last claim: Puerto de Herrera
Number of countries: 5
Number of continents: 1
Last online: 28-08-2020 17:12:19


hF F
Superlist 1000 BIGs 75 -425 -925

Natacha-AN 2 -11 -23
Natacha-CH 1 -124 -249
Natacha-UK 8 -217 -442
Natacha-FR 34 -366 -766
Natacha-ES 29 -371 -771

TGV 36 -322 -474