4199 - CRUELLS Oriol

Location:   Vilanova i la Geltr�
Date of birth: 30-07-1983
Gender: M
Member since: 2012
Big level: BIG03
Claims ever: 104
Claims this year: 1
Last claim: Cuitu Negru (incl. Brañillin & Valgrande-Pajares)
Number of countries: 5
Number of continents: 1
Last online: 29-03-2024 08:05:35


hF F
Superlist 1000 BIGs 104 -396 -896

Natacha-AN 6 -7 -19
Natacha-BE 6 -44 -94
Natacha-FR 51 -349 -749
Natacha-ES 29 -371 -771
Natacha-IT 11 -389 -789

TGV 70 -288 -441