The 27th of june, the launch of the second national challenge, the Romanian Natacha happened. Hungary had 75 climbs in its list, Romania, with more mountains in the Carpathes, has 125 climbs in its list. If you manage holidays in the region or if you are romanian members, you'll be interested by what follows.
Romania includes 9 big topographic regions : 3 mountainous (Occidental, Meridional and Oriental Carpathians – 95 climbs), 4 hilly (the Transylvanian Plateau in the middle of the Carpathians, the Subcarpathian foothills and, in the east, the Moldavian and Dobrogea Plateaus – 30 climbs) and 2 fully flat and ineffective plains.
The Meridional Carpathians are the « richest » : 3 high mountain roads at 2000 (or almost) : Transfăgărășan (Balea), Transalpina (Urdele) and Transbucegi. A lot of resorts (Muntele Mic, Straja, Rusu, Paltinis, ...), among which the new road to Pasul Vâlcan and its 2km at 15%. For the tourism, the capital of the ancient Dacian Kingdom (Sarmizegetusa Regia), the Retezat National Park (Râuşor) or the Sohodol gorges.
In the west, the biggest climbs lie between 1000 and 1500m, between Beius and Cluj-Napoca : Buscat, Stâna de Vale and Semenic, the Beliș-Fântânele and Drăgan lakes, Padiş plateau or the Ursoia and Vărtop passes. A few touristic climbs : Scărișoara caves, two viewpoints on the Danube (Sfânta Elena and Valea Ponicovei) and Vălişoarei and Turzii gorges. You'll find the steepest sections towards Scărișoara, Feredeu and Călugăra monasteries, and Șiria fortress.
In the Eastern Carpathians, many passes from 800 to 1500m, amongst which some unpaved (Predelus, Barcani, Stânișoara, Păltiniş, ...). The steepest sections belong to Rarau and Soveja, the most beautiful landscapes to Bicaz and Sfânta Ana crater lake, and the best design to the Pasul Gutâi hairpins. The list also includes two resorts in Harghita, Slănic-Moldova spa and some lakes (Tarnița, Colibița). A few climbs are used in the Tour of Szeklerland (Harghita-Băi, Șicas and Ghimeş, Cașin and Calonda passes) or in the Cycling Tour of Romania.
In the hilly regions, the promotion of the Romanian heritage has compensated for the lack of elevation, cultural heritage (monasteries and fortresses) and natural (Danube Delta, Siret valley, gorges, vineyards).
On the Transylvanian Plateau, besides the cobbled streets in the historic centre of Sighişoara and the Nicula monastery in Gherla, a few climbs used in the Tour of Sibiu (Dealul Dăii, Pelişor and Ruşi) have been selected, as well as the Cheile (gorges) Babei towards Coroieni.
The Subcarpathians are represented by a fortress above Târgu Neamț, three monasteries (Ciolanu, Dealu and Probota at the foot of Tătăruși), a road from the Danube (Ghelmegioaia), Tohani vineyards (in Jugureni) or a climb of the very first Tour of Romania in 1935 (Petricica on the outskirts of Bacău).
In the north-east, on the Moldavian Plateau, two climbs lie near to the Siret valley (Gorovei with its monastery and Petreşti-Găiceana), Strunga is a « King of the Mountain » in the Tour of Romania and Dealul Mare is above a vineyard (Odobești). Finally, close to the Danube Delta and the Black Sea, Niculiţel has a beautiful elevation (300m) and a vineyard. Cheile Dobrogei gorges are worth seeing thanks to their natural beauty and Şipotele shows an amazing 10%, close to the Bulgarian border.
The obvious will of the Romanian authorities to develop the road network in order to increase the touristic supply allows to envisage increasing the number of paved climbs and, therefore, enriching the list.
Here is the list without link currently
1 Muntele Șes
2 Meses
3 Damiş
4 Lacul Drăgan
5 Stana de Vale
6 Padiş
7 Beliș-Fântânele
8 Făgetul Clujului
9 Pasul Ursoaia
10 Pasul Vărtop
11 Peștera Scărișoara
12 Buscat (Stațiunea)
13 Cetatea Șiria
14 Mănăstirea Feredeu
15 Văsoaia
16 Slatina de Mureș
17 Pasul Lazuri
18 Pasul Vălişoara
19 Pasul Buceș
20 Pasul Bucium
21 Pasul Almașu Mare
22 Geoagiu-Băi
23 Cheile Vălişoarei
24 Cheile Turzii
25 Poarta de Fier
26 Ocna de Fier
27 Iabalcea
28 Semenic (Stațiunea)
29 Marila
30 Poarta Orientală
31 Mănăstirea Călugăra
32 Piadra Alba
33 Știnăpari
34 Sfânta Elena
35 Valea Ponicovei
36 Coroieni
37 Mănăstirea Nicula
38 Lefaia
39 Târnăveni DN14A
40 Mediaș-Blâjel DN14A
41 Biserica din Deal
42 Topârcea
43 Ruşi-Slimnic DN14
44 Dealul Dăii
45 Pelişor-Richiş
46 Jina (Transalpina)
47 Sarmizegetusa Regia
48 Muntele Mic (Stațiunea)
49 Râuşor (Parcul Naţional )
50 Pasul Jiu Cerna
51 Cheile Sohodolului
52 Godeanu
53 Straja (Stațiunea)
54 Pasul Vâlcan (Stațiunea)
55 Rusu (Stațiunea)
56 Curmatura Vidrutei
57 Pasul Urdele
58 Páltinis
59 Mănăstirea Frasinei
60 Pasul Balea
61 Poiana Brașov
62 Măgura
63 Pârâul Rece
64 Pasul Bran
65 Cabana Piatra Arsâ
66 Pasul Huta
67 Pasul Gutâi
68 Pasul Neteda
69 Petrova
70 Pasul Șetref
71 Pasul Prislop
72 Pasul Rotunda
73 Valea Blaznei
74 Lacul Colibița
75 Pasul Tihuta
76 Pasul Mestecăniş
77 Pasul Ciumarna
78 Pasul Trei Movile
79 Pasul Rarau
80 Tarnița
81 Păltiniş (Vatra Dornei)
82 Pasul Stânișoara
83 Petru Vodă
84 Schitul Cerebuc
85 Pasul Creanga
86 Pasul Tulgheş
87 Pasul Bicaz
88 Pasul Bucin
89 Șicas
90 Pasul Calonda
91 Harghita-Mădăraş
92 Harghita-Băi
93 Pasul Ghimeş
94 Hatod
95 Pasul Cașin (Pasul Nyerges)
96 Lacul Sfânta Ana
97 Pasul Uz
98 Slănic Moldova-P Sărată
99 Pasul Oituz
100 Pasul Musat
101 Soveja
102 Comandău
103 Barcani
104 Pasul Predelus
105 Pasul Bratocea
106 Tătăruși
107 Cetatea Neamț
108 Petricica
109 Mănăstirea Ciolanu
110 Jugureni-Marginea Pădurii
111 Mănăstirea Dealu
112 Cândeşti Deal
113 Guşoeni
114 Ghelmegioaia
115 Bobaița
116 Gorovei
117 Strunga
118 Dealul Mare
119 Petreşti-Găiceana
120 Popeni-Epureni
121 Niculiţel
122 Horia
123 Sarighiol de Deal
124 Cheile Dobrogei
125 Şipotele