You can see on the left our webmaster on the bike. Our webmaster is a young but efficient webmaster and he has the great quality for us that he is also a great cyclist. He claimed a success in the Marmotte for example. In this way, he understands our needs very well and is simply one of us. Plenty of features must still come back from the old website, but thank to him, we can already give you 10 improvements that you can see now.
1) the colored triangles on the right of the names of the bigs when listing the climbs explained the reason why they have been selected.
2) The internal messaging is really better. Just like in smartphone, you keep track of the previous messages with the same person. Not there in the previous website. More, the name of the destination can be found rapidly because it's linked to the search machine. If you write 4 letters, it's enough to find your destination. Don't hesitate to use them.
3) The graphics (profiles) weren't good in the previous website. Every time, there was one km difference and the gradients didn't appear. Now you can put your mouse on the line and each gradient appear to the right kilometer.
4) One can download gpx of the sides of our bigs (contributing members only).
5) The National challenge is opened in Hungary and you can claim inside
6) The new 60 bigs in the eastern country giving the permission to reach 1000 and win the Eurobig instead of the major Superbig are available and can be claimed.
7) The clothes are inside the website and we haven't no more an external blog with spams to buy them.
8) We can order reviews, clothes and medals through the website
9) The formular zone+ to claim climbs out of Europe is easy to find and is clearer to know what to write, to avoid many long mails on and back with the zone+-manager
10) The website is built in a way that every manager can be the owner and the manager of his/her own pages. The rest follows :-)